Cooking a Beyond Burger
Preheat the grill medium to high heat. Place the thawed patty on the middle of the grill. Fry each side for 4 minutes. There is no need to cook the steak to a char. The hamburger steak should ooze reddish pink juice on the edges and the center should have the same hue.
Thawing suggestions: Set the patty out for one hour before cooking. The patty can also be cooked frozen. Cook on both sides 8 min each on low heat.
Cooking a Plant-Best Burger
Preheat the grill or frying pan to medium heat. The fire can’t be too strong. Then fry the burger steak for 3 minutes on each side, and then flash cook the sides for 5 seconds each.
Thawing suggestions: If the burger steak is frozen, it can be defrosted in the refrigerator for 8 hours, or the hamburger steak can be put in enclosed container, and defrosted at room temperature for 1 hour before cooking.